
Hospitals and Clinics

Ebnesina Hospital Introduction



 Ebnesina Hospital Introduction
Ebn-e-Sina medical group company had been established based on its founder successful medical experience in 1993. The founders established the first clinic in Sadeqieh zone from  1973, and due to covering local medical demands & touching their wish “secure and effective treatment with suitable cost and desired quality” among zone 5, capital city Tehran , they decided to construct a specialty hospital, and thus the idea of Ebn-e-Sina hospital came true in 2008.

Educational Therapeutic Center of Ebn-e-Sina with reliable medical services & lab results beside well known professors, along with medical expert team, skillful nurses and the most significant section, sympathetic personnel, proudly has become as the first trustworthy options for health applicants to refer to especially in sickness crisis.

Educational Therapeutic Center of Ebn-e-Sina is hopefully doing his best to prove himself as the most Distinguished worthy center from point of patient satisfaction by serving the utilizing medical update knowledge according to ethical values and offering qualified on-time services Based on Moral Principles Attitude along with planning and scientific management.

We strongly believe on patient satisfaction on the event of GOD satisfactions.